
Joel Muddamalle: Total Dependence

We think humility is an invitation for people to walk all over us, for endless suffering, to be left out. Yet the Bible doesn’t present that at all.

Léonce B. Crump Jr.: Recovering Resilience

Trust is built when there is an opportunity to have a catalytic moment where someone shares their story, where you see into that person.

David Kinnaman: Living Out the Gospel in Digital Babylon

The promise of Jesus is for this life and the life to come. There’s an opportunity that we have in this moment of spiritual openness that Jesus is well-regarded and well-liked and he seems to be beckoning people.

Daniel Harkavy: Leadership in Uncertain Times—Part 1

"A leader’s effectiveness is determined by just two things: the decisions they make and the influence they have."

Daniel Harkavy: 7 Perspectives That Shape Leadership—Part 2

"If you continue to operate like you always have, chances are you could hold the church back. The best leaders are the most humble, hungry, lifelong learners."

Chaz Smith: Putting God’s Joy on Display

“I want to honor God with my life and represent him well, so I try to be as authentic and vulnerable as I feel led to on social media with the followers that he’s allowed me to have.”

J.D. Greear: Life Lived for Eternity

When you accept the call to follow Jesus, you accept the call to mission.

Max Lucado: Loneliness, Hope and Humility

There is hope in the midst of loneliness.

David Platt: Reproducing Church, Transcendent Community—Part 1

"Unless we’re going to disobey Jesus, we must prioritize making disciples and multiplying churches."

David Platt: Living a Life That Counts—Part 2

“Our heritage as a church is running toward need, not away from it.”

Eric Geiger: Making the Most of the Moment—Part 1

“Christianity has become more tribal. It’s challenging to shepherd people from so many different viewpoints, but it’s also beautiful.”