Tag: Charles Stone

How to Deal With Guilt and Shame

Shame stings, but it need not be deadly. Although people and circumstances around us may still shame us (and it hurts), Christ can release us from its destructive power.

The Beauty of Declining Invitations

Sometimes you immediately know you should say no. In that case, a firm but gracious no is appropriate. It may feel awkward, but that uncomfortable emotion will quickly pass.

I Was Leading a Church, and I was Foolish

I isolated myself too much from staff and people in the church. I didn’t make myself visible enough.

When Fear Takes Hold of Your Leadership

If we constantly live with low level anxiety, our fight-flight centers are more sensitive so it takes less to push us into serious worry, anxiety, and fear.

Dealing With Inevitable Friction

Conflict provides a moment in time when we can honor or dishonor him by our responses.

Bruised in Ministry

Read a part of this old children’s story first published in 1922 and be encouraged. They are wise words offered by the Skin Horse to the Velveteen Rabbit taken from the book, The Velveteen Rabbit by Margery Williams.

5 Clarifications as You Navigate a New Position

Within the first month I asked one of the longest tenured staff members lead a discussion with the entire staff during a staff meeting.

Winning the War Against Hopelessness

I believe that small choices that may not seem overtly spiritual can become ways we can encourage ourselves in the Lord.