Tag: Dan Reiland

What Attracts People to Your Church?

First impressions do matter. It’s not “unspiritual” to make sure your church property looks good, and your greeters are genuinely attentive and caring, any more than it is unspiritual to make sure your home looks great for guests. It’s common sense hospitality to communicate that you care.

5 Ways Evangelism Is Complicated

Life outside church involvement is full. The fun stuff is a compelling draw; family is a top priority, and work is a demanding reality. We don’t need to compete, but we need to be present, meet needs and serve well.

Self-Leadership Stems from Self-Awareness

An emotionally unpredictable leader unintentionally prevents people from getting close and slowly erodes trust.

How Do God’s Gifts Affect Your Leadership?

Every leader has a leadership “Achilles heel,” a weakness that challenges overall strength. What’s yours? You need to know, (the devil already knows) so you can stand firm.

Simple Ways for Leaders to Encourage Others

Here are seven practical, everyday ways to be an encouragement.

Yes, Even Pastors Can Take Time to Celebrate Christmas

Take some time to slow down and soak in the mystery of the Gospel. There will always be some mystery in the supernatural.

6 Mainstays for Leaders

You don’t need anyone’s permission to rest, but that’s not the problem. But, unfortunately, we often don’t permit ourselves to rest. Is that a struggle for you?

5 Complexities of Outreach

Always cheer a person on for any effort to grow as a Christian. Don’t condemn their initiative; guide it. Then, when they know you care, offer spiritual guidance that you genuinely believe is in their best interest.