Tag: Exponential

7 Questions to Ask When Starting a Church Planting Network

What it takes to start and sustain a church planting movement.

The Marks of a Multiplying Church

5 levels every church must reach to fulfill the Great Commission

Øystein Gjerme: Why It Matters That We Are God’s Masterpiece

Our identity is not primarily in our work, but in the God who calls us.

Living as Children of Light

How does our adoption into God's family change the way we think about our mission?

Raising Up Young Leaders: Riverview Church

Riverview Church stays strong with a healthy culture of succession.

Create a Culture of Multiplication

3 Ways to Institutionalize Multiplication at Your Church

Cultivating Deep Dependence on the Holy Spirit

Building your relationship with the infinite God

Empowered: Move With the Spirit

Reclaiming the power and presence of the Holy Spirit