Weeping with Christ—Gethsemane

Jesus I.D.

Something happened in Jesus’ soul at Gethsemane, something he wants us to experience as his followers. At Gethsemane he modeled for us what he wants us to learn to do, and do regularly—“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7).

The point of the writers of the Gethsemane story is clear: If Jesus can bring his anguish, his stress, and his questions to the Father, then you can do the same. If following God’s will involved struggle for Jesus, then you will struggle also at times. But you must remember to struggle toward God and not away from him.

If you are in a personal Gethsemane, be encouraged. Just as it had a beginning, it too will have an end. And that timetable will depend upon you and your acceptance of the will of God. Remember, every Gethsemane leads to a resurrection, but not before it leads to a cross.

When you find your Easter I.D., you will know that in your struggle you are never alone. You’ll see your life in the bright light of Christ’s. For your Savior, Jesus, not only knows how to struggle for you, but he also struggles with you. The same Jesus who reigns, heals and saves also wept. Take comfort. He is right by your side in each of life’s struggles, pointing toward a coming resurrection.

Robert Crosby
Robert Crosbywww.twitter.com/RCCrosby

Robert Crosby is the co-founder of Teaming Life Conferences and Resources. He trains and consults pastors in creating teaming cultures. Crosby pastored churches in Upstate New York and Boston and conducts Teaming Church and Teaming Family conferences. He is the author of The Teaming Church: Ministry in the Age of Collaboration (Abingdon Press) and is a professor of practical theology at Southeastern University (Lakeland, Fla.). His next book, The One Jesus Loves, releases in March 2014 (Nelson Books). Contact him at Robert.TeamingLife@gmail.com

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