
What Would You Say in the Presence of God?

“Holy” is the cry that even now is ringing in the heavens to describe God. That’s what Isaiah encountered as he was taken up in a vision and saw the Lord.

Does God Still Love You?

We cannot earn more of God's love or lose any of it because His love for us is unconditional. He loves us fully and completely, no matter what we do.

Hearing God

But imagine this. What if you had a handwritten note sent to you from God? Would you carry it around in your pocket for a couple of weeks and open it when you got around to it?

Steps to Hiding God’s Word in Your Heart

Memorizing Scripture is a valuable practice that can strengthen your faith, deepen your relationship with God, and equip you to navigate life's challenges with biblical wisdom.

Our Longing to Go Home Will Be Ultimately Fulfilled on the New Earth

On the New Earth, we’ll at last be at home with the God we love and who loves us wholeheartedly.

The Real Work

We must take responsibility for our part in God’s mission, of course, but let’s never forget that the real work is God’s work.

Healing Our Wounds

What Our Bodies Can Teach Us About Christian Community

How to Increase Your Thirst for God’s Word

Our emotions are just as broken by sin as everything else is. As the Spirit of God is making us more like Jesus, He is not only changing our behavior; He is redeeming our emotional lives as well.

The Necessity of Hell

Let us not threaten lost people with hell. The temptation to do that must be avoided at all costs.

How Should We Pray?

When we come before God, we should always stop and think about who it is we’re addressing. Far too often we rush into our petitions and immediately begin to ask God for what we need.

Do People in Your Church Feel Like They’re Alone?

Division in the church is increasingly the norm. Politically-charged issues have broken friendships and wounded congregations. It’s tough to build healthy relationships when we see others as the enemy.