
How the Gospel Confronts Culture

The message of Christ’s redemptive love and free gift of forgiveness for all has been the force behind centuries of social change.

A Long Walk to Jesus

Someone who had been family by blood became family through the blood of the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.

An App That Helps Equip Youth to Share Jesus

Like a ready-to-use gospel tract, this app is always available for believers to share the Good News of Jesus with friends and strangers alike.

Sharing the Gospel: As Simple As Saying ‘Would Recommend’

So let’s take that idea and apply it to sharing the gospel. We’re willing to talk about hamburgers, but are we willing to talk about Jesus?

Do We Confuse New Believers With These ‘Churchy’ Phrases?

These thoughts remind me that still today, we’re trying to reach people who might know even less than I did at the time. We need to keep that reality in mind as we evangelize and disciple.

How Suffering Can Open Doors for Evangelism

Anyone can be happy when things are going well. But can you have joy when they aren’t? Flipping through the TV channels with my kids...

5 Complexities of Outreach

Always cheer a person on for any effort to grow as a Christian. Don’t condemn their initiative; guide it. Then, when they know you care, offer spiritual guidance that you genuinely believe is in their best interest.

Speaking Prophetically in a Post-Christian World

Thinking about cultural engagement isn’t something necessarily new to the church. In his treatise, The City of God, Augustine outlined how the “city of...

The Power of Story

“When Jesus is our closest friend, and we speak of our intimacy with him, this can create real spiritual curiosity.”

Evangelism and Your Personal Story

One of the most effective tools in your “spiritual tool box” is your personal testimony. You are an expert on your own story. You may...

Into the Culture

Today a lot of people are talking about the church and culture. We are told that we need to engage the culture or understand...