
How to Know if Someone Is Called to Global Missions

These questions will help you gauge whether you or another individual are being called to missions.

Every Believer a Disciple Maker

Matshobane has chosen to pour himself into others and care both for who they are and what they’re doing.

Faith That Comes by Hearing

3 strategies for reaching oral cultures with the gospel

12 Reasons to Send Your Pastor on a Mission Trip

Churches follow the vision of their pastors.

When I Was Sent I Felt Forgotten

When I became a missionary in South Asia, I felt abandoned by my local church.

How the Reality of the Trinity Shapes Our Pursuit of Mission

Our mission is rooted in who the Triune God is.

A Seedling Church Plant Grows from the Ukraine War

A Lausanne staff member and her husband share their story of fleeing Belarus and Ukraine, and starting a church plant for refugees in Poland.

How to Use Your Missions Funds Best in a Small Church

5 helpful tips for leveraging your missions budget

Translating the Story of the Bible for Oral Cultures

The International Orality Network is working to develop strategies for reaching oral cultures worldwide with the message of the Bible.

Focus on One House

Coastal Church in Vancouver Puts Luke 10 Into Practice

10 Things I’ve Learned Being a Missions Pastor

As a missions pastor, these are 10 lessons I’ve learned along the way as I’ve served my church in this role. 1. Take Time to...