
9 Things to Remember in a Church Crisis

Simple factors to keep in mind as you communicate

What Would You Say in the Presence of God?

“Holy” is the cry that even now is ringing in the heavens to describe God. That’s what Isaiah encountered as he was taken up in a vision and saw the Lord.

Striking Back With the Gospel

We must mobilize Christian teenagers to share the Gospel with love, passion, and urgency.

3 Advantages of a Small Church

Jesus is about mission, not church size.

When Prayer Is Contagious

There is something that touches heaven and moves the heart of the Father when we align together in prayer, in agreement with God’s will.

7 Tips to Up Your Leadership

Let God lead you through Scripture. Find passages that relate to your daily struggles. Many Bibles today have additional tools to help you. A simple study note or devotion can give you more confidence in your decision-making.

10 Signs You’re Struggling With Arrogance

Markers for self-evaluation

Look to Proverbs for Leadership Training

Leadership has to start with leading yourself well. You may be skilled, charismatic, or gifted, and those things may serve you well and advance your influence. Nevertheless, those abilities will only get you so far if you have not cultivated integrity.

Keeping Up With the Harvest

At every sermon, people are invited to receive Christ, regardless of the numbers present. Moses also says that changing his prayer life changed the ministry. God asked him to spend more time in prayer.

John K. Jenkins Sr.: The Apostle Paul’s Secret to Preaching

“On the next Sabbath almost the whole city came together to hear the word of God” (Acts 13:44). Everybody showed up: all the seniors, all the young people, regardless of color and background. Almost the whole city came to hear Paul preach. And what did he say? What was Paul’s secret?

5 Bible Verses for Discouraged Church Planters

These verses have encouraged me in my work.