
Is It Really Necessary to Memorize Scripture?

Memorizing a chapter is easier than memorizing 18 scattered verses because most chapters are a flowing story.

How to Identify and Handle a People Problem

You improve people problems by improving people.

E Pluribus Unum?

God delights in our diversity and calls us to pursue reconciliation wherever needed.

5 Ways to Restore Attendance

There is indeed hope. Churches that practice these five principles are much more likely to see growth rather than decline.

What I’ve Learned About Being a Woman and a Leader in the Church

It’s this idea we must hold dear: Rather than seeing what is on the outside, we are to, like God, look at the heart—what’s inside.

What Drains the Life of a Pastor’s Wife?

Some pastor’s wives simply give up when they can’t meet other’s expectations. They withdraw and become sullen. Others yield to despair, helplessness, and hopelessness.

Can ChatGPT Explain Basic Christian Theology?

As this type of AI technology becomes more prevalent, Christians will need to grapple with how to use it in a way that honors God, as well as what AI means for how we conceive of our own identity as people created in the image of God.

How to Preach an Effective Sermon

6 elements for sermon preparation

Why Evil Is a Problem for Atheists Too

Something must explain the pervasive wickedness of the human race and what we can do about it.

What Attracts People to Your Church?

First impressions do matter. It’s not “unspiritual” to make sure your church property looks good, and your greeters are genuinely attentive and caring, any more than it is unspiritual to make sure your home looks great for guests. It’s common sense hospitality to communicate that you care.

7 Habits That Will Cripple a Leader

The things that may be stymieing your leadership