Jim Tomberlin: MultiSite Solutions

Jim Tomberlin is founder, president and senior strategist for MultiSite Solutions, formerly Third Quarter Consulting.

2012 Multisite Trends »

Jim Says: “Multisite [as an approach] has enriched church-planting strategy with one more effective tool, and campus pastors and church planters are the new ‘heroes’ in the Church today.”

How to link: Jim is based in Scottsdale, Ariz. You can visit him at his MultiSite Solutions website. Click here to email him directly. You can also subscribe to his eNewsletter, Multi-Sightings or follow him on Twitter: @MultiSiteGuy.

Got a question or comment? Post a comment on this page, or send an e-mail.

Over three decades of diverse ministry, Jim Tomberlin has pastored a church in Germany, grown a megachurch in Colorado Springs, Colo., and pioneered the multisite strategy for Willow Creek Community Church in Chicago. Through his company, MutliSite Solutions, he now assists churches of all sizes in defining and fulfilling their ministry vision. In that capacity, Tomberlin continues to track developments in multisite, arguably the decade’s leading church strategy innovation, now widely embraced by North American churches. Here are the trends he sees in the multisite movement today …


2012 Multisite Trends »


Recommended resources: The Multi-site Church Revolution: Being One Church in Many Locations by Geoff Surratt, Greg Ligon and Warren Bird (Zondervan, 2006); A Multi-site Church Road Trip: Exploring the New Normal by Geoff Surratt, Greg Ligon and Warren Bird (Zondervan, 2009); Multi-site Churches: Guidance for the Movement’s Next Generation by Scott McConnell (B&H, 2009).


James P. Long
James P. Longhttp://JamesPLong.com

James P. Long is the editor of Outreach magazine and is the author of a number of books, including Why Is God Silent When We Need Him the Most?

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