Ronald Squibb: Into the Community

Ronald Squibb Senior Pastor
International Christian Center Staten Island, N.Y.
A 2013 Outreach 100 Church


In New York City, we’ve gone to a campus format where we have five campuses. We meet here at the central campus, but we also rent two high schools and use them, and we now have Spanish and Korean campuses. That’s been key to us reaching the various areas of Staten Island. On top of that, when Superstorm Sandy came in, that destroyed the island. We were able to reach people who we would have never reached before if it weren’t for that crisis. So out of that has come a Hope Center. We’re just ministering to the needs of our city. Out of that tragedy and out of that adversity, God has used that and has given us favor on the island. We’ve gotten out of the church more. We’re not waiting for people to come to the church. We’re investing in our community, reaching into our community.


Numbers by themselves do not mean success. It’s the health and discipleship of people who become followers of Christ, and who live that out in their everyday lives. We have small group ministry, we have prison ministries. We’ve instituted mission trips and taken many people overseas. Our mission statement is “Reaching the city, touching our world.”


Prayer. Fasting. Discipleship. Just working a lot of hours. Developing our team. Training our workers, the pastoral staff and all the people who work in the church. Bringing them to a higher level. That’s making a difference.

Twitter: @PastorSquibb
Founded: 1947
Affiliation: Assemblies of God
Locations: 5
Attendance: 2,235
Growth in 2012: +495 (28%)
Fastest-Growing: 44

Ronald Squibb

Ronald Squibb became senior pastor of International Christian Center in 2011. He has also led churches in Pennsylvania, New York and Massachusetts, where he grew up. Reach him on Twitter at @PastorSquibb.

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