The Post-Black & Post-White Church

The Post-Black & Post-White Church:
Becoming the Beloved Community in a Multi-Ethnic World

By Efrem Smith (Jossey-Bass, © 2012)

“When Jesus was hanging on the cross and the blood was dripping from his head, hands, and feet, that was multi-ethnic blood. When we say that Jesus died for all of our sins, that is true both figuratively and literally because all humanity was pumping through him and pouring out of him. He was the sacrificial lamb of all of sinful humanity and therefore embodies all of humanity in both the carrying and shedding of this precious blood. This truly is in this sense a substitutionary death. That is why the multi-ethnic and missional church must find identity in the multi-ethnic Jesus who is the Son of man and the Son of God. Through the Holy Spirit, this multi-ethnic Jesus lives in us.” —Efrem Smith, from the book

Read an excerpt.

Order from The Post-Black & Post-White Church: Becoming the Beloved Community in a Multi-Ethnic World

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