Our Daily Bread Jesus Source Book

Our Daily Bread Jesus Source Book
The A-to-Z Guide to the People, Places, and Teachings of Jesus’s Life (Discovery House, 2018)

WHO: George Knight, author of several Bible reference books.

HE SAYS: “When we get to know [Jesus] better, we will also exclaim—like those who saw him in the flesh—‘No one ever spoke the way this man does’ (John 7:46).”

THE BIG IDEA: A quick and easy reference book to locate information about Jesus’ life and ministry that church leaders can recommend to new Christians, students or those who simply want to learn more.

This alphabetical organization makes it simple for users to find what they are looking for. In addition, general articles on both Jesus’ parables and miracles contain full lists of all his parables and miracles for handy reference.
This guidebook also includes 300 brief articles on the people Jesus encountered, places he went, names he is known by and more. Throughout is an extensive cross-reference system and a topical index system.

“This book makes it easier for you to find a particular incident or detail or quotation from [Jesus’] ministry that you may be searching for.”

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