Christ and Culture

Christ and Culture
By H. Richard Niebuhr (Harper & Row, 1956)

“A superb piece of analytical writing in tackling what is just about the toughest problem face by Christians. The problem: In what way, or degree, is Christ relevant to the situation in which the Christian must live. … Mr. Niebuhr distinguishes five typical answers to the Christian’s problem of setting the relation between the Christ he calls Lord and the culture which holds him as the sea holds its fish.” —Paul Hutchinson, The New York Times Book Review

To order from Christ and Culture (Torchbooks)


The Timeless Whisper’s Been Here All Along

To a world on edge, defensive, and hurting, Christians have a responsibility to not only listen to God but also to speak Good News in a way that can actually be heard.

How to Leverage Existing Ministries for Outreach

“You could launch new outreach ministries without removing any existing ministries, increasing your budget or adding staff.”

Doing Unto Others

Davis maintains that ministry shouldn’t be about serving at church on a Sunday morning, because those people are already saved. Instead, it should be about doing ministry on the mission field and talking to people who are unchurched.