How Joyful People Think

How Joyful People Think
8 Ways of Thinking That Lead to a Better Life
(Baker Publishing, 2018)

WHO: Jamie Rasmussen, senior pastor of Scottsdale Bible Church in Scottsdale, Arizona.

HE SAYS: “God offers a way for us to experience counterfactual thinking in our own lives, but we must learn to live life from the vantage point of his declared mindset.”

THE BIG IDEA: Thinking as God wants us to think will lead to a more fulfilling life.

The author begins by defining the word whatever from a biblical point of view, encouraging readers to imagine the possibilities.
Over the next eight chapters, each section of Phil. 4:8 is examined through the lens of how people can think differently and live differently using a God-centered approach.

“Though the Bible has many passages that reveal the kind of thinking God wants his people to embrace, this passage [Phil. 4:8] stands alone in its concentrated emphasis on God’s way of thinking.”

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How can one’s reputation bring joy?

Understanding that one’s reputation is the combination of behavior and assessment (one’s behavior and another’s assessment)—when those around a person see that person’s behavior for what it is—righteous and God-honoring—one’s reputation is intact and this produces great joy in the soul of a Christ-follower. It’s a great feeling to know that both God and others recognize the fact that your life is hidden in him and you are on the right track.

What is the mindset of justice?

The mindset of justice is one built upon God’s revelation, character and law. This mindset takes what God has revealed, who he is and the standard he has set—and it bases one’s sense of right and wrong upon these aspects of God. This becomes a powerful tool in the believer’s life as a biblical mindset of justice allows a believer to discern quickly and moment by moment what is just as well as unjust.

What is the promise God makes to those who want joy?

Here’s the promise: learn to think in the prescribed way of Philippians 4:8 and you will have peace and joy. Train your mind to dwell regularly on the whatevers (whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just—perspectives and attributes Paul listed in Philippians 4:8) and “the God of peace will be with you.” No way around it. It’s a promise.

What places bring you joy?

Any inland lake on a quiet morning, my back porch, church (most days), car shows and any place where someone is wrestling with God.

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