Survival Guide for the Soul

Survival Guide for the Soul
How to Flourish Spiritually in a World That Pressures Us to Achieve
(Zondervan, 2018)

WHO: Ken Shigematsu, senior pastor of Tenth Church in Vancouver, B.C.

HE SAYS: “Knowing we are deeply loved by our Creator frees us to pursue a life of significant, enduring achievement—a life that is not driven by fear and anxiety but one that springs from a deep well of joy and gratitude for the love and grace God has shown us.”

THE BIG IDEA: An introspective look into spiritual practices that can strengthen and deepen our love for God in the midst of our demanding society.

Part 1, “The Two ‘Adams’ in Every Soul,” examines contentment and the duality of our nature to want achievement and a soulful relationship with God. This section also lays out the spiritual practices that will be outlined in the next section.
Part 2, “The Survival Habits of the Soul,” spends a chapter on different spiritual practices that add to our understanding of God: meditation, Sabbath, gratitude, abundance, servanthood, friendship and vocation. Each chapter ends in reflection question for group use or individual study.

“This letter to myself is a guide to surviving the damaging effects of a driven life, a way of overcoming the need to succeed by living satisfied in the acceptance and love of God.”

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