Keep Christianity Weird

Keep Christianity Weird
Embracing the Discipline of Being Different
(Tyndale, 2018)

WHO: Michael Frost, cofounder of Forge Mission Training Network, vice principal of Morling College and founding pastor of Small Boat Big Sea.

HE SAYS: “All Christians who have made God the center and focus of their lives can rightly be called eccentric.”

THE BIG IDEA: Resist being like the rest of the culture and continue to see the world differently.

This quick read is only seven chapters long, but they pack a punch. The author looks at Christians who were considered “weird” by the full devotion to God. He also discusses how Jesus was the original weirdo and how cities known for the strangeness have something to teach us. His point is that conforming to the everyday averageness is now what Christianity is about.

“We should develop lifestyle rhythms that help us to continue faithfully improvising in communal and personal discipleship.”

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