Discipleship and Spiritual Growth

The Lovingkindness of God

Over and over again, the lovingkindness of the Lord is extolled as the reason why he provides salvation for his people. Not that sinners deserve to be saved, but God extends his own heart to them and sets his love upon them.

A Beloved Love

What makes us come together as the people of God and remain the people of God is what we have been given from God.

Don’t Waste Your Season

We cannot rush the appearance of fruit to make ourselves feel or look better. We can’t put on blooms out of season simply because we’re restless for a different season in our lives.

Holy Ambition

What do we really want God to say to us someday?

5 Myths About Discipleship

Discipleship can be a junk drawer word; people put all kinds of things into it. And some of those things don’t belong there.

Teach Your Congregation How to Develop a Daily Prayer Habit

A 2018 survey by Crossway revealed that only 2% of people surveyed felt very satisfied with their prayer life. Follow these five steps to help them.

An Immense Inheritance

Why do Christians care about love, mercy, and justice?

Peace in Life Changes

The peace Jesus promised the disciples could only be fully theirs if He left them.

Building the Kingdom Together

We carry weighty purpose into every interaction we have, and every human carries in them a weight of glory. When we understand this idea, we love differently. We view our daily work and encounters differently.

Praying with a Humble Heart

A humble heart faithfully, persistently, watchfully seeks after God in prayer.