Just Lead!

Just Lead!
A No Whining, No Complaining, No Nonsense Practical Guide for Women Leaders in the Church
By Sherry Surratt and Jenni Catron (Jossey-Bass, 2013)

“Every opportunity to lead, including every opportunity you have to lead men, is a critical step in bridging the great divide that exists between men and women. With every good experience we create, with every man who feels valued and respected through our leadership, we are diminishing that chasm between genders. Every good experience will replace a bad one. Every positive encounter creates a new perception. Everything you do will pave the way for the women leaders who will come after you.“ —Sherry Surratt and Jenni Catron, from the book

Order from Amazon.com: Just Lead! A No Whining, No Complaining, No Nonsense Practical Guide for Women Leaders in the Church

9 Things to Remember in a Church Crisis

Simple factors to keep in mind as you communicate

What Would You Say in the Presence of God?

“Holy” is the cry that even now is ringing in the heavens to describe God. That’s what Isaiah encountered as he was taken up in a vision and saw the Lord.

Striking Back With the Gospel

We must mobilize Christian teenagers to share the Gospel with love, passion, and urgency.