
What Type of Leader Are You?

Spend some time reflecting on your current leadership model by writing down the pluses and minuses of where your leadership stands and see if tweaks could be made to make you a more effective leader.

Renovate by Innovating

It sounds so simple, but it will take grit to overcome self-doubt and strategic decline to push forward with an innovative spirit to reach the community and bless them as the hands and feet of Christ.

Create Community Through Technology

There are five practical ways in which I have personally seen my church transform from Sunday gatherings only to table fellowship that extends fellowship well into the week.

Become a No-Turning-Back Leader

Change is creating a new story. Change is challenging how things have always been done within the power structure established over time within the inner workings of the church.

Identifying Potential Church Leaders

Although you may not feel like it, as the senior pastor, you act as the CEO of your ministry. As such, it is your responsibility to implement leaders that will take on the vision God has given you.

4 Ways to Regain a Vision for Your Church

Be specific about what God is showing you. Does the vision mean fine-tuning your church’s youth ministry, growing your outreach department, building up leaders within the ministry, or growing your church's deeper understanding of God’s Word?

To Stay or to Go?

As a pastor who has served in the season of ‘in-between,’ not knowing if one should stay or go from the current assignment, my heart goes out to you. But I want you to ask yourself, why do I serve?

Winning the New and Old Front Doors

Nine times out of 10, guests will not just show up unsure of what to expect because they will have reviewed the church's website and social media pages looking for the flavor of your local church.

Battling Familiarity in Your Church

Has your church become so comfortable in the familiar that it misses what guests are experiencing? Guests will break through the confines of the comfortable and see Christ, or they will see the church stuck in the familiar and never return.

3 Ways to Finish Strong in an Ending Season

Leading the local church is hard enough, but leading when you’re unsure what to do next is challenging. Finishing strong will look different for everyone. But everyone can complete the overall tasks they have been called to and meet them with God’s excellence in mind.

3 Ways to Help the Church Navigate Change

As a church leader, you want to see God's will done in the local church. Change, however, takes work. Any amount of change causes...