Men's Ministry

Fit for the Kingdom

The Lord prompted Reardon to think about combining Christian fellowship with fitness in order to create a new small group for men.

15 Strategies for Men to Strengthen Their Friendships

Your schedule may feel full, but what if you invited people into what you’re already doing? You can work with friends to finish home repair projects. Work out, go running, or take a walk with someone rather than doing it alone.

Dream Big

The world and too often Christians are cynical of success and big dreams. I don’t know why this is because big dreams, big visions, and grand ambitions are sprinkled throughout the Bible.

Wake Up, Guys

The church as an institution is sick. Some may object, “It’s not the church that’s sick, it’s the culture!” But the church should be better than the culture in this regard. As Christians, our first and primary concern should be the righteousness of the church community.

Make Room for Young Leaders

Consider a plea for some older leaders not to get off the bus but to aggressively make room for young leaders at the front.

David Mathis: Workers for Your Joy

“Christ gives leaders to his people for their joy, which turns the world’s paradigm and suspicions about leadership upside down.”

New Books to Help You Minister to Men

Make your men's ministry as strong as it can be.

The Perils of Isolation for Men

Men need not just casual friendships, but deep friendships with other men who are not afraid to be honest with them.

4 Ways to Tell If You Are a Man or a Boy

The things that separate boys from men aren't related to age, but values.

The Five Marks of a Man

Brian Tome: Finding Your Path to Courageous Manhood

Cultivating the Virtue of Receptivity

Want to cultivate a receptive heart? Read the text and answer these questions.