
The Timeless Whisper’s Been Here All Along

To a world on edge, defensive, and hurting, Christians have a responsibility to not only listen to God but also to speak Good News in a way that can actually be heard.

What Type of Leader Are You?

Spend some time reflecting on your current leadership model by writing down the pluses and minuses of where your leadership stands and see if tweaks could be made to make you a more effective leader.

Outreach Resources of the Year: Missional and Cross-Cultural

Wright explains the breadth of God’s mission to the world using the whole Bible, and holistically challenges the Lord’s global people to make his story our story by our participation in the seven-act drama of Scripture.

Unbound by Time: God’s Eternity

As time-bound creatures, we struggle all the more with the notion of eternity. We cannot imagine any kind of experience or reality that is not defined by time. The very concept almost overwhelms our rational capacity.

5 Options to Recreate the Church Property

Recreating is not ending the church. It is redesigning your current space with the original mission in mind, to win people to Jesus. Do not allow fear to control the church's faith.

Pride and Humility

Pride causes us to carry more than we are supposed to, and a crash is coming. Christians believe that pride is at the root of Satan’s sin.

JP Pokluda

This book looks at 10 sins that seem to consistently trip us up and the Scriptures that show us how to respond in God-honoring ways to these vices.

20th Annual Outreach Resources of the Year: Church

The Church After Innovation is a fresh and thorough look at the difference between real, enduring kingdom fruit and worldly success.

John K. Jenkins Sr.: The Apostle Paul’s Secret to Preaching

“On the next Sabbath almost the whole city came together to hear the word of God” (Acts 13:44). Everybody showed up: all the seniors, all the young people, regardless of color and background. Almost the whole city came to hear Paul preach. And what did he say? What was Paul’s secret?

4 Profound Truths in ‘Amazing Grace’ We Need Today

Whatever shame or guilt you carry, however deep the regrets in your life, no matter what you have done, there is a mercy that is deeper yet. “With you there is forgiveness,” said the psalmist.

Rethinking the Church Footprint

The church campus and, by extension, the church lobby is an extension of the house of God; thus, it should be a place that honors the view of reaching people with the gospel of Christ.