Tag: resources


What Our World Would Be Like Without Christianity

Spread the Word, Don’t Overcomplicate It

"How can we learn to share Jesus by both word and deed without freaking out?"

A World Without Christianity? Unimaginable

Our society is fractured by modern-day racism. Christians today must lead the way in the same spirit of our Christian ancestors and work tirelessly to see the stain of racism removed.

When Opposites Attack

"Ruptures happen when the sense of connection in a relationship is broken—like when an electrical pathway is short-circuited."

I’d Like You More If You Were More Like Me

John Ortberg: Getting Real about Getting Close

10 Enduring Practices of Apex Leaders

"There are things great leaders have always done and will always do."

Becoming a Welcoming Church

Thom Rainer: "This book is for those—whether church leaders, pastors, or members—who are willing ‘to look in the mirror.’"