
Rocket Pops and Disciples

Every Sunday is different. We look for opportunities to have cupcakes or cookies on Sunday morning. On 4th of July weekend, people get a rocket pop as they leave. We look for excuses to have those kinds of things.

Start With Serving

We’re very intentional about providing quality opportunities for people to serve and to make a difference in our community. Through that we have a lot of success in getting new people connected to the life of the church.

‘Together We’

The Lord gave me two words: together we. After that, we penned our mission statement out of Together We: Together we are a reaching, discipling, sending church impacting generations for Christ.

On the Growth Track: Element Church

How Element Church makes connection convenient.

Quick Steps to Connection

How Eastside Christian Church connects people by background, life stage and ZIP code

Empowering Volunteers, Gateway to Growth

How Gateway Church volunteers play a critical role in helping guests take next steps

5 Tips for Minichurches

Providing a middle ground to small groups helps new people connect.

Print a List of Small Groups and Stick It in the Bulletin

Make it easy for congregants to find and join a small group.

Use Technology and Planning Tools to Grow Your Church

Church assessment tools let you measure progress toward growth goals.

Ensure Your Church is as Helpful as Possible With a “Concierge”

Idea Starter: Have volunteers specialize in connecting people to resources inside and outside the church.

Beyond Awesome Coffee: Impact Church

"You won't ever see me or my team swooping out of some green room into the church in our super pastor capes."