Choosing the Extraordinary Life

Choosing the Extraordinary Life
God’s 7 Secrets for Success and Significance
(Baker, 2018)

WHO: Robert Jeffress, senior pastor of First Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas.

HE SAYS: “No matter who you are or what your circumstances might be, God desires to transform your ordinary existence into an extraordinary life.”

THE BIG IDEA: You can make a difference for God and have an impact on eternity here on earth.

This book is based on the life of Elijah. The seven secrets mentioned in the subtitle are broken down in seven chapters: discovering your purpose, influencing your culture, waiting on God’s timing, refusing to give up, praying, handling bad days and living with the end in mind.

“When the time comes for you to leave this earth, are you determined to depart this life with a short list of regrets and a long list of lives you have impacted for the kingdom of God?”

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