Social Justice: 14th Annual Outreach Resources of the Year

Resource of the Year: Social Justice

Slow Kingdom Coming: Practices for Doing Justice, Loving Mercy and Walking Humbly in the World
By Kent Annan (IVP Books)

Slow Kingdom Coming is an honest invitation to the lifelong kingdom posture of loving the world through mercy and justice. Kent Annan’s contribution in this category is timely, as the “justice movement” in the U.S. is beginning to turn a corner. We are moving from an emphasis on heroines and heroes to understanding that lasting change and impact is, indeed, a slow and steady walk in the same direction.

Incredibly accessible, Slow Kingdom Coming is relevant for newcomers to the “justice journey” as well as those who lead the largest and most effective nonprofits and NGOs of our day.

Read an excerpt: “Entering into the Ultimate Partnership With God”

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Also Recommended:

The Justice Calling: Where Passion Meets Perseverance
By Bethany Hanke Hoang and Kristen Deede Johnson (Brazos Press)

Bethany Hanke Hoang and Kristen Deede Johnson have contributed a true gift to the global church in this critical book. Their unique voice in the world of justice is unmistakable, and this book stands as a powerful and important advancement in our deepening theology of kingdom justice.

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EVALUATED BY R. YORK MOORE, founder of the Price of Life movement, a national anti-trafficking campaign offered on college campuses and in cities through InterVarsity Christian Fellowship USA.

Next: Apologetics »

This Year’s Categories:


Outreach Magazine
Outreach Magazine

Outreach magazine publishes ideas, innovations, resources and stories to help church leaders reach their communities and change the world. Founded in January 2003 by church communications company Outreach Inc., Outreach is an award-winning, bimonthly periodical for church leadership and is available by subscription and on Find out more at

The Timeless Whisper’s Been Here All Along

To a world on edge, defensive, and hurting, Christians have a responsibility to not only listen to God but also to speak Good News in a way that can actually be heard.

How to Leverage Existing Ministries for Outreach

“You could launch new outreach ministries without removing any existing ministries, increasing your budget or adding staff.”

Doing Unto Others

Davis maintains that ministry shouldn’t be about serving at church on a Sunday morning, because those people are already saved. Instead, it should be about doing ministry on the mission field and talking to people who are unchurched.